Articles on: Tips and Tricks

How to pre-fill the product page form?

Pre-filling your customers' details fields on a product page can be useful for example to invite customers:
to order new products,
to subscribe to new offers,...

To pre-fill the customers' details fields on the product page, simply add the corresponding information to the URL.

Here is the list of information ( settings) that you can pre-fill on the order form of your product pages:

firstname: client's first names
lastname : client name
phone: client's phone
business : customer's company name
tax information: customer's VAT number
email : customer email

deliveryaddress : delivery address
deliveryzipcode: postal code of the delivery address city
deliverycity : city of delivery address
deliverycountry : country of delivery address
deliveryfirstname : first names of the recipient at the delivery address
deliverylastname : name of the recipient at the delivery address

billingaddress : billing address
billingzipcode : postal code of the billing address city
billingcity : billing address city
billingcountry : billing address country

To pre-fill the form, add a"?" at the end of the URL of the product page, followed by the settings and value you want. Each parameter must be separated by a "&".

Let's take the example of pre-filling the customer's name, first name and email:
Name: Atton
First name: Olivier

Here are the elements to add to the URL:

Here is how the elements of the example will look in the URL of the product page: ? lastName=atton & firstName=olivier &

Updated on: 03/10/2023

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